
Creativity For Life

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I’m Sophie Hannah Walker. A multi disciplinary artist rebelling against the idea of having to do ‘one thing’. I embrace all my creative outlets: art, writing, photography, and more. They all feed into one another in some way; I use photographic prints and sometimes text in my artwork, my photography provides a narrative alongside my writing. In the blog I wrote for Psychologies magazine during 2020/21 I added a beach photo each time for those stuck in the city, I carry this on in my Substack newsletter. In the past I’ve used a lot of stitch and beading on my artwork, I have a condition called CMT so these days I use more machine stitching and printing in my work.

I used to try and manage all these areas separately which was exhausting! Having it all in one place makes sense to me. After a lifetime of things not working and feeling like I was doing everything wrong, I was diagnosed as having, and having always had, ADHD. While this is not uncommon for people of my generation, it doesn’t lessen the impact of a diagnosis on my life, it gives me the opportunity to do things differently after a lifetime of feeling like I was doing it all ‘wrong’. 

  I had enough of trying to do things the way I was told was ‘right’.

I’m creating my way forwards one brushstroke, camera angle, stitch and word at a time.

It has taken over ten years of studying psychology and creativity to find out why my life wasn’t working. Along the way I’ve gained a Diploma in Modern Psychology, qualification as a Creative Mindfulness Practitioner, qualification as a Modern Psychology coach plus certificates in Psychology and Mental Health, Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Solution Focused Therapy.

If you are looking for creative solutions to improve your life or your business, why not book a taster session for attentive art coaching? Click the buttons below to find out more and book.

If you woke up tomorrow and everything was exactly as you want it, what would be the first thing you’d notice?

This is the fundamental question my coaching starts with. Instead of looking at what isn’t working and trying to change it, we create a whole new version and step into it. So give this question some thought and you can tell me what you’d notice when everything is just as you want it HERE.

"Thank you, Sophie for reminding me about this beautiful process and for a constant inspiration . I forgot about everything, time was just flowing. The simple act of moving the paint brush made me feel relaxed ." - Karolina , Ireland

Follow me on Instagram at @sophiehannahwalker

Read my Substack on all thing creative and what I’ve been up to - plus first trials, discounts and freebies at
