The Attentive Art 30 day Mood Tracker


The Creative Mood Tracker is for you to keep a track of how you feel. To take your emotional temperature every day for a month. It will give you a valuable insight into how you really feel. Do it every day and watch your world transform.

It is 18 pages of A4. Each page is divided into four. There are two outlines, think of them as you, with a space for the date and three spaces for you to record something that is 'I am...' 'I feel...' and 'I can...' Each page has a space for you to add any notes, plus a helpful and beautiful quote to inspire you for the day.

Every day for a month, you draw, paint or colour in your 'self'; don't give it too much thought, it only needs to take a few minutes. Write in your information, make any notes you want to and read your lovely quote.

At the end of the month you can look back and see how you have been feeling. I have included at the end an extra day for months with 31 days plus a colour wheel of emotion for you to compare your findings. Print a new one for each month and you will see patterns forming. It can tell you if there is something in your life which is triggering you. Or if there are times in the month you need to slow down, or if you are unwittingly descending into stress and burnout.

It is fun to do, doesn't take up much of your time and gives you a world of insight into your emotions. Plus, once you have it, you can use it over and over again!


The Creative Mood Tracker is for you to keep a track of how you feel. To take your emotional temperature every day for a month. It will give you a valuable insight into how you really feel. Do it every day and watch your world transform.

It is 18 pages of A4. Each page is divided into four. There are two outlines, think of them as you, with a space for the date and three spaces for you to record something that is 'I am...' 'I feel...' and 'I can...' Each page has a space for you to add any notes, plus a helpful and beautiful quote to inspire you for the day.

Every day for a month, you draw, paint or colour in your 'self'; don't give it too much thought, it only needs to take a few minutes. Write in your information, make any notes you want to and read your lovely quote.

At the end of the month you can look back and see how you have been feeling. I have included at the end an extra day for months with 31 days plus a colour wheel of emotion for you to compare your findings. Print a new one for each month and you will see patterns forming. It can tell you if there is something in your life which is triggering you. Or if there are times in the month you need to slow down, or if you are unwittingly descending into stress and burnout.

It is fun to do, doesn't take up much of your time and gives you a world of insight into your emotions. Plus, once you have it, you can use it over and over again!

The Creative Mood Tracker is for you to keep a track of how you feel. To take your emotional temperature every day for a month. It will give you a valuable insight into how you really feel. Do it every day and watch your world transform.

It is 18 pages of A4. Each page is divided into four. There are two outlines, think of them as you, with a space for the date and three spaces for you to record something that is 'I am...' 'I feel...' and 'I can...' Each page has a space for you to add any notes, plus a helpful and beautiful quote to inspire you for the day.

Every day for a month, you draw, paint or colour in your 'self'; don't give it too much thought, it only needs to take a few minutes. Write in your information, make any notes you want to and read your lovely quote.

At the end of the month you can look back and see how you have been feeling. I have included at the end an extra day for months with 31 days plus a colour wheel of emotion for you to compare your findings. Print a new one for each month and you will see patterns forming. It can tell you if there is something in your life which is triggering you. Or if there are times in the month you need to slow down, or if you are unwittingly descending into stress and burnout.

It is fun to do, doesn't take up much of your time and gives you a world of insight into your emotions. Plus, once you have it, you can use it over and over again!