The Attentive Art Creative Visualisation


This is a fifteen page (less if you print on both sides) document for you to get clear on what you want to call into your life and to visualise yourself having already achieved it. Whether it is a state of being, something you want to have or do, by telling your subconscious it is already yours, you are more likely to bring it about.

Visualisation is a common practice among successful people. Olympic athletes use it to envisage themselves winning. Brain scans show that the mind can’t tell what is real and what isn’t. Scans on Olympic athletes showed the parts of their brains that were active when physically practising a routine, were the same when they mentally went through it.

So if our subconscious can’t tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t, why aren’t we all living our dream?

Because we don’t know how to feed the subconscious the thoughts that will take us there, partly because we don’t know what it will feel like to visit that country or have that career or live in that mansion or whatever the dream might be. We know how it feels in our current reality, we  know how it felt in our past, so we keep thinking thoughts from our past and present and creating the same situations we are used to.

This document is designed to provide your subconscious ‘downstairs brain’ with the reality it needs to help you to make something happen in your life using images writing exercises and all of your senses.


This is a fifteen page (less if you print on both sides) document for you to get clear on what you want to call into your life and to visualise yourself having already achieved it. Whether it is a state of being, something you want to have or do, by telling your subconscious it is already yours, you are more likely to bring it about.

Visualisation is a common practice among successful people. Olympic athletes use it to envisage themselves winning. Brain scans show that the mind can’t tell what is real and what isn’t. Scans on Olympic athletes showed the parts of their brains that were active when physically practising a routine, were the same when they mentally went through it.

So if our subconscious can’t tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t, why aren’t we all living our dream?

Because we don’t know how to feed the subconscious the thoughts that will take us there, partly because we don’t know what it will feel like to visit that country or have that career or live in that mansion or whatever the dream might be. We know how it feels in our current reality, we  know how it felt in our past, so we keep thinking thoughts from our past and present and creating the same situations we are used to.

This document is designed to provide your subconscious ‘downstairs brain’ with the reality it needs to help you to make something happen in your life using images writing exercises and all of your senses.

This is a fifteen page (less if you print on both sides) document for you to get clear on what you want to call into your life and to visualise yourself having already achieved it. Whether it is a state of being, something you want to have or do, by telling your subconscious it is already yours, you are more likely to bring it about.

Visualisation is a common practice among successful people. Olympic athletes use it to envisage themselves winning. Brain scans show that the mind can’t tell what is real and what isn’t. Scans on Olympic athletes showed the parts of their brains that were active when physically practising a routine, were the same when they mentally went through it.

So if our subconscious can’t tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t, why aren’t we all living our dream?

Because we don’t know how to feed the subconscious the thoughts that will take us there, partly because we don’t know what it will feel like to visit that country or have that career or live in that mansion or whatever the dream might be. We know how it feels in our current reality, we  know how it felt in our past, so we keep thinking thoughts from our past and present and creating the same situations we are used to.

This document is designed to provide your subconscious ‘downstairs brain’ with the reality it needs to help you to make something happen in your life using images writing exercises and all of your senses.